Cracked Pots & Kris Kristofferson

September 30, 2009



An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.  At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.
For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water.
Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments.
But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.
After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream.  ‘I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house.’
The old woman smiled, ‘Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side? That’s because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house.’
Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it’s the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You’ve just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.


 1973 Hit “Why Me”

by Kris Kristofferson

Why me Lord, what have I ever done
To deserve even one,
of the pleasures I’ve known.

Tell me Lord, what did I ever do,
That was worth love from you,
Or the kindness you’ve shown.

Lord help me Jesus, I’ve wasted it so,
Help me Jesus, I know what I am.
Now that I know, that I’ve need you so,
Help me Jesus, my soul’s in your hand.

Tell me Lord, if you think there’s a way,
That I can repay, all I’ve taken from you.
Maybe Lord, I can show someone else,
What I’ve been through myself,
on my way back to you.

Lord help me Jesus, I’ve wasted it so,
Help me Jesus I know what I am.
Now that I know that I’ve need you so,
Help me Jesus, my soul’s in your hand.

Left vs. Right

September 25, 2009


What a contrast.

VIOLENCE at G20 meeting in Pittsburgh click link for video

Lunatic losers defecate in the streets, trash the place, provoke violence, then sue the police—-and they get complete news coverage.

Hardworking family people peacefully protest, chat with the police, haul their trash—and the media ignores them.


American Blood on Obama’s Hands

September 25, 2009


[Make your blood boil?  If not, you are worthy of condemnation, as is this President.]

” . . . our troops die because our leaders are moral cowards.”


By: Ralph Peters
New York Post | Thursday, September 24, 2009 



When enemy action kills our troops, it’s unfortunate. When our own moral fecklessness murders those in uniform, it’s unforgivable. 


In Afghanistan, our leaders are complicit in the death of each soldier, Marine or Navy corpsman who falls because politically correct rules of engagement shield our enemies. 


Mission-focused, but morally oblivious, Gen. Stan McChrystal conformed to the Obama Way of War by imposing rules of engagement that could have been concocted by Code Pink: 


* Unless our troops in combat are absolutely certain that no civilians are present, they’re denied artillery or air support. 


* If any civilians appear where we meet the Taliban, our troops are to “break contact” — to retreat.


These ROE are a cave-in to the Taliban’s shameless propaganda campaign that claimed innocents were massacred every time our aircraft appeared overhead. (Afghan President Mohammed Karzai and our establishment media backed the terrorists.)


The Taliban’s goal was to level the playing field — to deny our troops their technological edge. Our enemies more than succeeded.


And what has our concern for the lives of Taliban sympathizers accomplished? The Taliban now make damned sure that civilians are present whenever they conduct an ambush or operation.


So they attack — and we quit the fight, lugging our dead and wounded back to base.


We’ve been through this b.s. before. In Iraq, we wanted to show respect to our enemies, so the generals announced early on that we wouldn’t enter mosques. The result? Hundreds of mosques became terrorist safe houses, bomb factories and weapons caches.


Why is this so hard to figure out? We tell our enemies we won’t attack X. So they exploit X. Who wouldn’t?


It isn’t just that war is hell. It’s that war must be hell, otherwise why would the enemy ever quit?


This week’s rumblings from the White House suggest that we may, at last, see a revised strategy that concentrates on killing our deadliest enemies — but I’ll believe it when I see the rounds go down-range.


Meanwhile, our troops die because our leaders are moral cowards.


Over the decades, political correctness insinuated itself into the ranks of our “Washington player” generals and admirals. We now have four-stars who believe that improving our enemies’ self-esteem is a crucial wartime goal.


And the Army published its disastrous Counterinsurgency Manual a few years back — doctrine written by military intellectuals who, instead of listening to Infantry squad leaders, made a show of consulting “peace advocates” and “humanitarian workers.”


The result was a manual based on a few heavily edited case studies “proving” that the key to success in fighting terrorists is to hand out soccer balls to worm-eaten children. The doctrine ignored the brutal lessons of 3,000 years of history — because history isn’t politically correct (it shows, relentlessly, that the only effective way to fight faith-fueled insurgents is with fire and sword).


The New York Times lavished praise on the manual. What does that tell you?


A few senior officers continue to push me to “lay off” the Counterinsurgency Manual. Sorry, but I’m more concerned about supporting the youngest private on patrol than I am with the reputation of any general.


As a real general put it a century ago, “The purpose of an Army is to fight.” And the purpose of going to war is to win (that dirty word). It’s not to sacrifice our own troops to make sad-sack do-gooders back home feel good.


We need to recognize that true morality lies in backing our troops, not in letting them die for whacko theories.


The next time you read about the death of a soldier or Marine in Afghanistan, don’t just blame the Taliban. Blame the generals and politicians who sent them to war, then took away their weapons.









Benjamin Netanyahu, Leader of the Free World

September 24, 2009

by Sally Vaci


Video of Netanyahu’s UN speech here

Oh yes, I stand with Israel and the Jews. And as Bibi made clear that means he and I stand with all those who love life and liberty across the earth. It is heartbreaking that America has no such leader and that a majority of our countrymen were blind to the deeply consequential choice before them last November. We forfeited our role in world leadership and a majority of us seem lost… for a period of time. But God Almighty has intervened magnificently and I give thanks that He raised up this man, Benjamin Netanyahu, to speak for me and for the entire free world.

Today before the U.N. Bibi spoke the pure, unassailable truth and claimed the mantle of authority worldwide. I doubt that he sought this role but in an hour of desperate need he did not shrink from it. He offered genuine peace and prosperity for all who have the eyes to see and ears to hear. Bibi’s brief words cut like a scalpel through 30+ years of moral confusion, mountains of lies and an epic failure to act on the part of the world’s alleged ‘leading body’ of human rights, diplomacy and intercession.

As Bibi said, the choice is elementary and clear. I await the reaction of the world. And David Letterman, of course.

Full text of speech here

*   *   *

No serious person is allowed to miss this speech. And it should absolutely be viewed on video to experience the full force of truth and clarity evident in Bibi’s every muscle movement and in his piercing gaze.


“The most urgent challenge facing this body is to prevent the tyrants of Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Are the member states of the United Nations up to that challenge? Will the international community confront a despotism that terrorizes its own people as they bravely stand up for freedom? 

Will it take action against the dictators who stole an election in broad daylight and gunned down Iranian protesters who died in the streets choking in their own blood? Will the international community thwart the world’s most pernicious sponsors and practitioners of terrorism?

Above all, will the international community stop the terrorist regime of Iran from developing atomic weapons, thereby endangering the peace of the entire world?”


Click for two minutes of truth:
Have you no shame?

Inspired Israel Leads the World

The truth: pause to read text during video

Obama’s ‘we suck’ tour continues at U.N.

September 24, 2009


Obama’s UN Speech, Dissected here


by Peter Wehner, Commentary

In the latest stop on his American Apology Tour, Obama aimed his fire at America on the issue of global warming (“the days when America dragged its feet on this issue are over”) and democracy (“in the past America has too often been selective in its promotion of democracy”). And Obama, after humbly declaring at the outset of his speech that “I am well aware of the expectations that accompany my presidency around the world . . . they are also rooted in hope—the hope that real change is possible, and the hope that America will be a leader in bringing about such change,” went on to say this:

I took office at a time when many around the world had come to view America with skepticism and distrust. Part of this was due to misperceptions and misinformation about my country. Part of this was due to opposition to specific policies, and a belief that on certain critical issues, America has acted unilaterally, without regard for the interests of others. This has fed an almost reflexive anti-Americanism, which too often has served as an excuse for our collective inaction.

Where oh where to begin? How about by pointing out that America did not act unilaterally in Iraq or anywhere else during the Bush presidency. For example, and for the record, more than 35 countries gave crucial support—from the use of naval and air bases to help with intelligence and logistics to the deployment of combat units. President Bush answered the “unilateral” charge in his 2004 State of the Union address:

Some critics have said our duties in Iraq must be internationalized. This particular criticism is hard to explain to our partners in Britain, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Italy, Spain, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, the Netherlands, Norway, El Salvador, and the 17 other countries that have committed troops to Iraq. As we debate at home, we must never ignore the vital contributions of our international partners, or dismiss their sacrifices.

Second, the United States actually did have in mind the interests of others—beginning with 25 million Iraqis—when it acted. The Iraq war, whatever you think about its wisdom and execution, was in part a war of liberation, undertaken for noble purposes: to liberate a captive people and to depose an aggressive dictator. We know about the Iraqi regime under Saddam Hussein; it was one of the most brutal and malevolent in modern history. The fact that we believed the Iraq war advanced America’s national interests doesn’t mean it was a war waged without regard for the interests of others. And for Obama to allow this misperception of America to go unchallenged—indeed, to give such a false and malicious charge legitimacy—is disturbing.

Third, in his speech the President said, “I pledge that America will always stand with those who stand up for their dignity and their rights.” Oh really? If so, then why was he so reluctant to speak out for the brave Iranians who rose up against the brutal rule of President Ahmadinejad?

Perhaps Mr. Obama will come to understand that there is a problem when the president of the United States—an “inestimable jewel,” Lincoln called her—has harsher things to say about his own country than he does about many of the worst regimes on Earth.

It is all quite disturbing, and to have to say this about an American president almost makes me sick.

Where’s the Outrage?

September 24, 2009


Confirmation: Correctly Attributed

   This letter was sent to the Wall Street Journal on August 8, 2008 by Alisa Wilson, Ph.D.. Of Beverly Hills , CA. in response to the Wall Street Journal article titled “Where’s The Outrage?” that appeared July 31, 2008.

   Really. I can tell you where the outrage is. The outrage is here, in this middle-aged, well-educated, upper-middle class woman. The outrage is here, but I have no representation, no voice. The outrage is here, but no one is listening for who am I?

   I am not a billionaire like George Soros (*) that can fund an entire political movement.  I am not a celebrity like Barbra Streisand that can garner the attention of the press to promote political candidates.  I am not a filmmaker like Michael Moore or Al Gore that can deliver misleading movies to the public.

   The outrage is here, but unlike those with money or power, I don’t know how to reach those who feel similarly in order to effect change.  Why am I outraged? I am outraged that my country, the  United States of America , is in a state of moral and ethical decline. There is no right or wrong anymore, just what’s fair.

   Is it fair that millions of Americans who overreached and borrowed more than they could afford are now being bailed out by the government and lending institutions to stave off foreclosure? Why shouldn’t these people be made to pay the consequences for their poor judgment?

   When my husband and I purchased our home, we were careful to purchase only what we could afford. Believe me, there are much larger, much nicer homes that I would have loved to have purchased..  But, taking responsibility for my behavior and my life, I went with the house that we could afford, not the house that we could not afford. The notion of personal responsibility has all but died in our country.

   I am outraged, that the country that welcomed my mother as an immigrant from Hitler’s Nazi Germany and required that she and her family learn English now allows itself to be overrun with illegal immigrants and worse, caters to those illegal immigrants.

   I am outraged that my hard-earned taxes help support those here illegally. That the Los Angeles Public School District is in such disarray that I felt it incumbent to send my child to private school, that every time I go to the ATM, I see “do you want to continue in English or Spanish?”, that every time I call the bank, the phone company, or similar business, I hear “press 1 for English or press 2 for Spanish”. WHY? This is America , our common language is English and attempts to promote a bi- or multi-lingual society are sure to fail and to marginalize those who cannot communicate in English.

   I am outraged at our country’s weakness in the face of new threats on American traditions from Muslims. Just this week, Tyson’s Food negotiated with its union to permit Muslims to have Eid-al-Fitr as a holiday instead of Labor Day. What am I missing? Yes, there is a large Somali Muslim population working at the Tyson’s plant in  Tennessee .  Tennessee , last I checked, is still part of the  United States .  If Muslims want to live and work here they should be required to live and work by our American Laws and not impose their will on our long history.

   In the same week, Random House announced that they had indefinitely delayed the publication of The Jewel of Medina, by Sherry Jones, a book about the life of Mohammed’s wife, Ai sha due to fear of retribution and violence by Muslims. When did we become a nation ruled by fear of what other immigrant groups want? It makes me so sad to see large corporations cave rather than stand proudly on the principles that built this country.

   I am outraged because appeasement has never worked as a political policy, yet appeasing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is exactly what we are trying to do. An excellent article, also published recently in the Wall Street Journal, went through over 20 years of history and why talking with  Iran  has been and will continue to be ineffective. Yet talk, with a madman no less, we continue to do. Have we so lost our moral compass and its ability to detect evil that we will not go in and destroy Iran ‘s nuclear program? Would we rather wait for another  Holocaust for the Jews – one which they would be unlikely to survive?! When does it end?

   As if the battle for good and evil isn’t enough, now come the Environmentalists who are so afraid of global warming that they want to put a Bag tax on grocery bags in California; to eliminate Mylar balloons; to establish something as insidious as the recycle police in San Francisco. I do my share for the environment: I recycle, I use water wisely, I installed an energy efficient air conditioning unit but when and where does the lunacy stop?  Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map, the California economy is being overrun by illegal immigrants, and the United States of America no longer knows right from wrong, good from evil.. So what does California do? Tax grocery bags.

   So, America, although I can tell you where the outrage is, this one middle-aged, well-educated, upper middle class woman is powerless to do anything about it. I don’t even feel like my vote counts because I am so outnumbered by those who disagree with me.

Alisa Wilson, Ph.D. Beverly Hills, California


[PS:  AE note—I’m outraged we have a president who constantly grovels at the feet of murderous dictators, apologizing for America at every opportunity.]

Freedom & Capitalism

September 23, 2009


“History suggests that Capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom.”

Milton Friedman

A dose for Michael Moore and all like-minded morons:

Map of the Free World

MM: never one to let facts interfere with his foregone conclusions

Lying Propaganda  by Walter E. Williams

Economy in perspective: historical overview

President roving wire tap

September 23, 2009


By Carrie Johnson and Ellen Nakashima

Washington Post Staff Writers
September 16, 2009

The Obama administration has for the first time set out its views on the controversial USA Patriot Act, telling lawmakers this week that legal approval of government surveillance methods scheduled to expire in December should be renewed, but leaving room to tweak the law to protect Americans’ privacy.

In a letter from Justice Department officials to key members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the administration recommended that Congress move swiftly with legislation that would protect the government’s ability to collect a variety of business and credit card records and to monitor terrorism suspects with roving wiretaps.


U.S. terror suspects spoke of “jihad”: FBI wiretaps

By Gene Cherry


RALEIGH, North Carolina (Reuters) – U.S. prosecutors played FBI recordings in court on Tuesday as evidence that seven North Carolina terrorism suspects discussed waging “jihad,” which can mean “holy war,” as part of a conspiracy to conduct attacks overseas.


NYC Terror Case Will Be ‘Prosecutor’s Dream,’ Legal Analyst Says


Prosecutors in the case relied on secret recordings of phone calls and conversations in warehouses and homes in late 2005 and early 2006. Those convicted in the case face up to 70 years in prison when they are sentenced on July 27.  (Fox)

FBI quizzes Colorado man for 2nd day in terror probe


CNN-The case began with a New York police informant, with authorized FBI wiretaps used to further develop the case, the former counterterrorism official said. Agents launched the raids after police stopped Zazi on the George Washington Bridge during a recent visit to New York, raising concerns that he would figure out he was under surveillance, the former official told CNN.

Values Voter Summit highlights

September 23, 2009


Range of speakers address critical national issues here

Candidate Obama.Candidate Biden one year ago

September 22, 2009



Working hard to make the USA one enormous Fannie Mae


By Allan Erickson  

Obama does not believe he is ready to be President.

In light of this: consider the following, please . . .

Sen. Joe Biden just told a crowd that Sen. McCain favors supporting a war in Iraq, indefinitely.

Just stop and think for a moment.  Do you believe McCain favors unending war in Iraq, or anywhere else?  Do you believe John McCain is the war monger Biden says he is?

McCain stood by our troops in time of war, supported our President, but also criticized him constructively leading to a miraculous turnaround in our fortunes in Iraq.  What have Obama and Biden done (?):  Whine, bitch, moan and complain, ignoring the truth, demoralizing our men and women in uniform, giving comfort to the enemy, and causing dissention at home. Lincoln would have them shot. 

Joe Biden voted for the war in Oct. 2002.  Now he runs around claiming McCain is wrong about everything?  On Russert’s program in August 2002, Biden said:  “I think Saddam either has to be separated from his weapons or taken out of power.”

Apparently Biden was right before he was wrong before he corrected himself to be right again, and then he voted against the surge, but now says it worked, but it was wrong, so now we are supposed to believe Biden is right and McCain is wrong.  Biden takes flip flopping to a level even John Kerry cannot conceive.

Is anyone paying attention?  Biden’s brain is like a hamster running the wire wheel: lots of energy expended, getting nowhere.

Sen. Biden, like his running mate, will say and do anything to get elected.  They dropped all pretense of being honorable long ago.  Voters should reject them on this basis alone.

The sum of Biden’s remarks today were to vilify McCain over and over with lies and half truths, periodically assuring us, he was “not making this up.”

Whenever a politician frequently reassures us he is not lying, it is more than likely he is indeed lying through his teeth.  Such is the case with both Obama and Biden.

Biden asks McCain:  “Where were you a year ago when Barack was talking about the sub-prime mortgage crisis?”   Well Sen. Biden, 3.5 years ago McCain was fighting for reforms to prevent this crisis in housing and the financial markets, but the Democrats blocked reform. 

And now you have the gall to blame McCain?!  You are a filthy liar Sen. Biden, and so are you Sen. Obama.

McCain – Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005 (Democrats blocked reform)
1/26/2005 | Congressional Research Service

Posted: Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005

Bill Summary


Introduced. Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005 – Amends the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 to establish: (1) in lieu of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), an independent Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Agency which shall have authority over the Federal Home Loan Bank Finance Corporation, the Federal Home Loan Banks, the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac); and (2) the Federal Housing Enterprise Board. Sets forth operating, administrative, and regulatory provisions of the Agency, including provisions respecting: (1) assessment authority; (2) authority to limit nonmission-related assets; (3) minimum and critical capital levels; (4) risk-based capital test; (5) capital classifications and undercapitalized enterprises; (6) enforcement actions and penalties; (7) golden parachutes; and (8) reporting. Amends the Federal Home Loan Bank Act to establish the Federal Home Loan Bank Finance Corporation. Transfers the functions of the Office of Finance of the Federal Home Loan Banks to such Corporation. Excludes the Federal Home Loan Banks from certain securities reporting requirements. Abolishes the Federal Housing Finance Board.

Obama and Biden try to blame Bush and McCain for our economic troubles.  What a revelation to learn the Democrats are largely to blame.  Bush and McCain tried numerous times to reform the system, but the Democrats prevented it!  Why? 

Because the Democrats were buying votes with sub-prime mortgages, they were lining their pockets and they were establishing national bases and centers of power: all on the backs of honest, hard-working Americans!

Read it!

Anyone taking a look at the record will see clearly the Democrats foisted Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on the country.

Anyone caring to read a few news stories will clearly understand this financial crisis was sparked by Freddie and Fannie and remains responsible for much of our economic trouble.

Anyone interested in the facts will understand the Democrats loosened the rules on those government-sponsored sub-prime lenders, and, the Democrats stood in the way of many attempts by Republicans during the past seven years to reform.

John McCain fought for reform of Freddie and Fannie.  Obama was silent.  Behind Obama’s silence he scooped up $126,000 in campaign contributions from Fannie and Freddie

Read it for yourself, and then ask:  Are these people—Obama and Biden—the very foxes you want back in the chicken coop?

‘Crony’ Capitalism Is Root Cause Of Fannie And Freddie Troubles

INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, September 22, 2008

“And that’s just what Fannie and Freddie were — fixed. They became a government-run, privately owned home finance monopoly.  Fannie and Freddie became huge contributors to Congress, spending millions to influence votes. As we’ve noted here before, the bulk of the money went to Democrats.  President Bush, reviled and criticized by Democrats, tried no fewer than 17 times, by White House count, to raise the issue of Fannie-Freddie reform. A bill cleared the Senate Banking panel in 2005, but stalled due to implacable opposition from Democrats and a critical core of GOP abettors. Rep. Barney Frank, who now runs the powerful House Financial Services Committee, helped spearhead that fight.”

Facts are inconvenient things Sen. Obama, Sen. Biden, especially when the people start to learn you have not only been lying to them, you’ve been picking their pockets all along and demonizing good people to provide cover.  You are not only liars, you are thieves and scoundrels as well. 

Joe Biden and Barack Obama are unfit for office, corrupt and disgraced. 

Biden has done nothing other than feed at the public trough for 36 years. 

His outrageous lies and horrendous misrepresentations should be confronted, but you’ll not see the massive media challenge their Leftist darling.  

There’s simply too much at stake in the quest to destroy our republic, and replace it with a Euro-Socialist autocracy: Uncle Sam turned Aunt Fannie. 

And Obama is the empty suit the radical Left manufactured—-their Manchurian candidate—poised now to make the entire country one enormous Fannie Mae.

Place the blame where it rightfully belongs: squarely on the shoulders of the Democrats and in particular on the shoulders of Obama, Biden, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Dodd, Schumer and the rest. 

In the meantime, God help us.

PS:  Biden does not believe Obama is fit to be President.  He said so.  Here it is!  Bill Clinton does not believe Obama is ready to be President.  Hillary agrees.