Massachusetts girl bullied to death: one of 12 this year

April 30, 2010


Full story here.


“ . . . no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison.”  James 3:8

Phoebe Prince was 15 years old when she killed herself January 14, 2010.   She hung herself in the stairwell of her home.   Her 12-year-old sister found her.

An immigrant from Ireland, Phoebe had been in the states for a few months.

Why would a beautiful, intelligent girl commit suicide after attending South Hadley High School in Massachusetts for such a short time?

Cheetos, a broken leg and the 8,000 pound gorilla

April 23, 2010



Full story here.


Instead of finding common ground to work together to form a more perfect Union, we are easily preoccupied by a gecko slandering average Americans, the latest Hollywood star falling from outer space, or another baseless accusation against McDonald’s or the Boy Scouts, as if we’ve nothing better to do than wring our hands over Lindsey Graham’s sexual orientation or the latest sewage spewing from the mouth of Ed Schultz or Rachel Maddow.

Violence by Leftists: woman’s leg broken in four places

April 20, 2010


Full story here.


Joe Brown and Allee Bautsch, beaten, severely injured

Leftists stomp woman’s leg: breaks in four places, will take months to heal.

Boyfriend suffers broken jaw, broken nose and a concussion.


In the last 13 months there have been hundreds of Tea Party events involving millions of people nationwide.

Although media reports have carried stories of violence and abuse, there has not been one verified report of aggression by Tea Party people against anyone.  (In fact, aggression against Tea Party people has been documented here, and here.  The second report chronicles years of Leftist violence.)

LAPD officer killed in Afghanistan

April 19, 2010


     LAPD officer Robert J. Cottle KIA 3/24/10


SWAT officer & Sgt. Maj. Robert J. Cottle, USMC, is the first active duty LAPD officer to be killed serving in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Cottle and Lance Cpl. Rick Centanni, 19, both from Yorba Linda, were traveling with other Marines in the Marja region of Afghanistan last month when their armored vehicle struck an improvised explosive device, killing the two men and seriously wounding two others.

                            Cottle and Centanni

More about a man who was respected by his peers in the Corps and on the force in Los Angeles, here.

Cottle’s sacrifice, and the sacrifice of so many others, both at home and abroad, reminds us again there are good guys and bad guys in the world.  The good guys—like Robert Cottle—fight, bleed and die everyday so that average citizens can lead lives of peace and safety.  We owe them more than we can ever pay.   Donations.

Cottle leaves a wife and nine-month-old daughter.   Cottle’s wife Emily is an officer in the U.S. Navy.

 More about the life of Sgt. Maj. Robert J. Cottle, 45.

Decorated officer will be court-martialed for challenging Obama’s eligibility

April 14, 2010


Full story here.


                                 LTC Terry Lakin, M.D.

Two days ago we reported on the case of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, Army surgeon, highly decorated.

Last week Lakin declared his intention to refuse to obey orders until such time it is proven President Obama is eligible for office based on confirmation of his natural born status as per the constitutional requirement. 

Yesterday, American Thinker reported:

Lt. Col. Lakin to face court martial
by Thomas Lifson
“Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, MD is to face a court martial for his refusal to obey deployment orders, pending proof that it is a lawful order, issued by a commander in chief who meets the constitutional requirements of office. Dr. Lakin explained his refusal in an article published April 8th on American Thinker.”

Infiltrators expected Tea Parties April 15

April 13, 2010


Full story here.


Tea Party organizers are concerned opponents will attempt to disrupt protests planned April 15 even to the point of provoking violence.  One leader in the Tea Party movement, actor Jon Voight, made this statement recently:

“Every loving American for peace and truth and the security of our nation must come out and join the Tea Parties in their states. The opposition will continue their tactics; they will lie and plant their own bullies amongst us. Everyone must pay close attention to who stands next to them. We can weed out the liars and agitators.”

According to an Associated Press report yesterday:

“Opponents of the fiscally conservative tea party movement say they plan to infiltrate and dismantle the political group by trying to make its members appear to be racist, homophobic and moronic.”

Army doctor challenges Obama’s eligibility

April 12, 2010


Full story here.


LTC Terrence Lakin, M.D., land mine disposal, Afghanistan 2005

Why would a highly placed, decorated Army officer set to be promoted to colonel risk court-martial by refusing to obey orders?

Last week, LTC Terrence Lakin, M.D. informed the Defense Department he would refuse to follow orders from commanding officers, including the President, until such time as Mr. Obama presents evidence he is a natural born citizen, a constitutional requirement to hold the office.

Presently,  Dr. Lakin is assigned flight surgeon responsible for providing care for Army Chief of Staff General Casey’s pilots and air crew.

Tea Party violence in Oregon?

April 6, 2010

Let’s hope not . . .


Full story here.



A year ago, no one had heard of the Tea Party movement.  Today, it is front and center: the most talked about political phenom in years.

The disciples of O insist Tea Party people are racist hatemongers, anti-American gun freaks, rightwing religious nutjobs, moronic tools of corporatists, and Christian terrorists. 

For many months the rhetoric has been brutal, applied in daily efforts to convince people the Tea Party movement is a threat to all things good, decent and praiseworthy.

Americans are not buying it.

When Obots run amok

April 5, 2010


A post script especially for the Stoner Brothers: rabble rousers incorporated.


Just for you guys: the wave of the future—-examples of advocacy journalists of a different kind, the kind who hold politicians accountable in the name of preserving liberty.

Congressmen Hare says he doesn’t care about the Constitution.

Rep. Jim Moran wants to fight when asked about “stimulus” money

You see, the criminals cannot stand the heat when the truth is revealed.   Instead of attacking private citizens enmasse, perhaps you guys will concentrate on public officials.  

(And, in the public service, help for those of you suffering from FAS, (for Obots everywhere) here.)

Why would I single these two out for special consideration?   If you visit their pages on you will see this modus operandi repeatedly:

1.  Pluck a story from Drudge or other news service.

2.  Repost it often without attribution, and editted to set the stage for the slam.

3.  Add stock commentary:  “Christians and conservatives are evil, violent, racist, homophobic scum who do not deserve citizenship,” or like nonsense.

There is rarely any attempt to treat a topic fairly or thoroughly or in any balanced way.

The entire Stoner exercise amounts to serial attempts to whip up passions against Christians and conservatives using hate, namecalling, innuendo and gross generalizations, often with the infusion of inaccuracies and misrepresentations.  They purposefully attack and slander entire groups of people who just happen to disagree with the Stone Brothers.

They incite to violence and proceed irresponsibly.

If you object to this kind of trash, make your opinions known to the editors and publishers of

Obama world: Somewhere over the rainbow

April 2, 2010


Full column here.


                      A lovely song, just before the tornado destroys the farm.

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

“He really means well.  It’s just that he screws things up, over and over.”

Mr. Obama told a crowd this week critics of his healthcare program are premature in their condemnations.  He said “fringe” voices are being negative.  “Fringe” in Mr. Obama’s world is defined as 55-65% of Americans.  

He also said we have to give ObamaCare a chance to work, to see if it turns out ok.

The remark was reminiscent of Nancy Pelosi’s suggestion Congress should pass the bill so we could find out what’s in it.

All of it sounds like a Queen of Hearts approach: “verdict now, trial later.”   Or perhaps it is better described as a Dorothy worldview: “Somewhere, over the rainbow.”   It certainly smacks of the old quip: let’s just throw it against the wall and see what sticks!