April 8, 2009

Manages to offend millions of Christians

Obama bows submits

O’s Amateur Hour by Ralph Peters

“On every stage, Obama draped Lady Liberty in sackcloth and ashes, drawing plentiful applause but no serious economic or security cooperation in return. Then, in Turkey, he surrendered our national pride, undercut our interests and interfered in matters that aren’t his business.

“He told the Europeans that the global economic crisis is all our fault. No mention of European greed, overleveraged governments, destructive Euro-loans or Chinese currency manipulation. We did it. Whip us, please.

In return, the Europeans gave him . . . nothing.”


Bow-ow-ow: Obama’s painful missteps  by Camille Paglia

“Obama’s staffing problems are blatant — from that bleating boy of a treasury secretary to what appears to be a total vacuum where a chief of protocol should be. There has been one needless gaffe after another — from the president’s tacky appearance on a late-night comedy show to the kitsch gifts given to the British prime minister, followed by the sweater-clad first lady’s over-familiarity with the queen and culminating in the jaw-dropping spectacle of a president of the United States bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia. Why was protest about the latter indignity confined to conservatives? The silence of the major media was a disgrace.”


Obama’s Bailout for the Despots  by Jonah Goldberg

“It’s President Obama’s worst bailout so far. He’s going to rescue the U.N. Human Rights Council.”


Obama’s Nobel Headache  Newsweek

“Paul Krugman has emerged as Obama’s toughest liberal critic. He’s deeply skeptical of the bank bailout and pessimistic about the economy.”


Chomsky on Obama/Geithner plan: It’s recycled Bush-Paulsen

“They’re simply recycling pretty much the Bush-Paulson measures, changing them a little, but essentially the same idea. Keep the institutional structure the same, try to kind of patch things up, bribe the banks and investors to help out, but avoid the measures that might get to the heart of the problem.  It means that an investor can, if they want, purchase these valueless assets, and if they happen to go up they make money and if they go down the government insures it. So there might be a slight loss but there could be a big gain….if you’re the investor. For the public, it’s a lose-lose situation.  Fact of the matter is, it’s almost always public money….The public pays the cost and takes the risk and the profit is privatized. For a start, corporations, banks and so on should be responsible, I think, to stakeholders . That’s not a huge change….It’s a way to keep communities alive and industry here.”


The Humbling of a Superpower  by Nile Gardiner

It is hard to imagine a bigger slight to the memory of the more than 100,000 American soldiers who died liberating Europe than the image of a U.S. president attacking the “arrogance” of his own country on French soil. President Obama’s speech last week ahead of the NATO summit in Strasbourg, barely 500 miles from the beaches of Normandy, marked a low point in presidential speechmaking on foreign policy.


Fantasy Foreign Policy Endangering America

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says President Barack Obama is making some dangerous choices in rejecting the anti-terrorism policies of the Bush administration and backing down from confronting North Korea over its threatening missile program.


White House spokesman: President did not bow to Saudi King





You are being sold down the road America . . .

March 20, 2009

. . . your own President is the auctioneer.  YOUR TAX DOLLARS FUND TERRORISM VIA CITIGROUP AND AIG BAILOUTS.

Yerushalmi discusses AIG-Shariah case: MUST READ


“And, every single word of “outrage” by the Treasury, the Fed, or Obama himself over the bonuses, is patently a political show–interpreted by the Left as sincere and a left-over Bushism, and by the Right as incompetence–but which in truth is little more than Obama’s decision to use this affair as more diversion akin to the Rush Limbaugh diversion. Every week it seems there is a new diversionary theme to keep this easily occupied, giant, spoiled infant we call the new American majority voting constituency consisting of mostly tax recipients not payers, preoccupied.

 “Quite a stratagem. And, to what end? Look at the size of government now and the growth vector it is on, the push for “international regulatory solutions” being hatched quietly and daily in Washington, London, Dubai, Beijing, Paris, Munich, and Moscow, the retreat and concessions made daily to the Shariah-driven forces around the globe, and all of that should begin to suggest at least what is at stake here if not in the works.”

More from WND on suit against government re: AIG and Shariah finance


AIG, which is now a government-owned company, engages in Shariah-compliant financing which subjects certain financial activities, including investments, to the dictates of Islamic law and the Islamic religion.

According to the complaint, AIG itself describes “Sharia” as “Islamic law based on the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet [Mohammed].”

The case accuses the company of employing a “Shariah Supervisory Committee” that includes Sheikh Nizam Yaquby from Bahrain, Mohammed Ali Elgari from Saudi Arabia, and Muhammed Imran Ashraf Usmani from Pakistan.

The law center described Usmani as the “son, student, and dedicated disciple of Mufti Taqi Usmani, who is the leading Shariah authority for Shariah-compliant finance in the world and the author of a book translated into English in 1999 that includes an entire chapter dedicated to explaining why a Western Muslim must engage in violent jihad against his own country or government.”

The complaint further cites the obligatory “zakat” which under Shariah is a religious tax that must be directed to those in jihad.

“The ‘zakat’ religious tax is used to financially support Islamic ‘charities,’ some of which have ties to terrorist organizations that are hostile to the United States and all other ‘infidels,’ which includes Christians and Jews,” the center said.

It cited the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development as an example. That organization was convicted of providing millions of dollars to Islamic terrorists, the center said.

“As a direct consequence of the taxpayer funds appropriated and expended to purchase and financially support AIG, the federal government is now the owner of a corporation engaged in the business of collecting religious taxes to fund interests adverse to the United States, Christians, Jews, and all other ‘infidels’ under Islamic law,” the center said.

“This lawsuit is as much about protecting constitutional principles as it is about protecting our national security and preventing another 9/11, whether overtly through direct attacks or covertly through a taxpayer funded stealth jihad,” Thompson said.



The Seduction of Insanity by Gary Graham

February 11, 2009



“What I won’t do…is return to the failed policies of the last 8 years…that got us into this crisis in the first place.” – Barack Obama, Feb 9, 2009  

Even though Congress was controlled by the Democrats from 2006-2008, I am going to go out on a limb here, and assume that the president is talking about failed Republican policies.  (Is that a fairly safe bet, you think?) 

REALITY CHECK!  Mr. Obama has been so busy concentrating on his campaign, his transition, and now his consolidation of power, that he apparently slept through the economic meltdown, so out of touch is he with what caused it.  Earth to President Obama:  It wasn’t the ‘failed’ Republican policies that took us to this point.  What caused bank failures and the economic meltdown was the failure of the housing market which itself was caused by banks being forced to give out bad housing loans.  That gem of irresponsibility, the Community Reinvestment Act (introduced and enacted by Jimmy Carter and the Democrat Congress and later bolstered by Bill Clinton) literally forced banks to abandon prudent fiscal policy and instead, hand out loans to people who otherwise could not qualify to buy a home.  And Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were right there leading the charge.  Not to sound ‘partisan’ or anything, but the people running these two Government Sponsored Enterprises:  yep … Democrats. 

 Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner came on TV this morning, and told us ‘how we got here.’ His explanation sounded somewhat logical … but conspicuously missing was any mention of the above involvement of the Democrats forcing Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae to give out bad loans.  That’s like trying to explain how an internal combustion engine works, and failing to mention anything about gas fumes igniting and expanding within a closed cylinder. 

What Geithner left out in his address this morning was that George Bush, Alan Greenspan, John McCain and the Republicans in Congress, fearful that unsafe fiscal practices by Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae could lead to economic disaster, attempted to establish oversight on these GSE’s, but were rebuffed by … Democrats.  Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer, Charlie Rangel, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, et al.  Anyone who isn’t aware of this hasn’t been paying attention.  The Democrats, not the Republicans, are responsible for fomenting the economic conditions that lead to the housing bubble bursting.

Also missing in Mr. Geithner’s speech was any mention of monies paid out by Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac, six-figure sums, to Democrats Chris Dodd, Barack Obama, and John Kerry.  And payments for what?  Cooperation incentives?  ‘Performance’ bonus.  Hush money?  What? 

And another thing:  Geithner said the root cause of the meltdown was individuals and businesses borrowing funds they couldn’t pay back.  And so the solution proposed is … to borrow and spend even more money, at an unprecedented rate — and not gradually, but aggressively? 

Clearly, the lunatics have taken over the nuthouse.


Media Manipulation & the Mad Dash to Mayhem

February 10, 2009

by Allan Erickson

First: Must Reading: Stimulus-History of Folly

Second: Think long and hard about current events and these two quotes from Thomas Jefferson:

“Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (administrators) too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.”


“We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our calling and our creeds…[we will] have no time to think, no means of calling our miss-managers to account but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers… And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for[ another]… till the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery… And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression.”


Stock Market not real thrilled about stimulus apparently

Jefferson and Lincoln would weep to see what we are doing to The Union in this day and this hour. They would mourn the loss of a Republic once strong and free, purchased by the blood of millions of patriots over the centuries.  The Control Freaks in power are quickly shutting down freedom, grabbing more power, and dissolving the last vestiages of Americanism in the mad dash to centralized government management from A to Z.

Loading guilt and fear into the machine of state, backed up by the power of a compliant media, this President is rapidly marching to control every aspect of your life.  His willing allies in the Senate and the House, too cowed to object substantively, or too cowardly to risk their careers, wander along with so many other sleep walkers across the country.  The President tickles ears, the people grin and cheer, and the country is going to hell in a hand basket.

An economy ruined by fiscal irresponsibility on both sides of the aisle, greed and speculation on Wall Street, the collapse triggered by government manipulation of lending institutions, is to be saved by more government manipulation and fiscal irresponsibility?   The majority know it’s a crock.  Their own leaders disdain them however: what do they know, do they have power and Ph.D’s?

Better to extend the free lunch (and deny there’s any such thing,) vilify the ‘rich’ and the opposition, fear-monger the entire process, and denigrate your predecessors, so just in case, a convenient scapegoat is already staked out should things go south.

The ‘stimulus’ package they are about to shove down your throat does some of the following:

>Very little to create jobs, and those that are created are short-term ‘soften the pain’ endeavors under the heading: all Symbol no Substance.

>Forces our economy to bow to the environmental radicals and global warming hysterics, driving us to our economic knees behind a myth.

>Puts our kids and grand kids in debt up to their eyeballs: the lazy and greedy of today are robbing future generations to subsidize their sloth.

>Funds enormous expansions of government control and activity: according to Heritage, this plan DOUBLES the size of the already useless Dept. of Education, and creates 32 new goverment programs, while it provides the down payment to Obama’s healthcare plan and TRACKING SYSTEM.

>Rations medicine, informs seniors they’ll just have to live with certain aspects of aging rather than receiving treatment, and sets up government oversight of private physician healthcare decisions.   GUESS WHAT!  MORE CONTROL.  But this time, the GOVERNMENT will be in a position to tell your DOCTOR what he/she can or cannot do on your behalf.  Hey, but it’s univeral misery care so it’s FAIR.

[Ask any Canadian, any Brit or any American Veteran how well they cherish government-mandated healthcare to get beyond the Obama propaganda machine, just a smidge.]

Massive government spending is supposed to create Demand and such demand will stimulate Supply and all will be well.  The problem is, it never works.   The Japanese have put their country into massive debt trying this approach.   For 16 years it has failed them.  FDR tried it.  It failed.  Demand side economics is a failed policy.  Yet, here we go again.  Remember, for more than a year we have had ‘stimulus’ to the tune of $350B allocated to banks ($65B wasted), another $350B pending, and the economy is getting worse.   Proof of the pudding?   And now they want somewhere between $2T and $9T more?   (Oh, we’ll just print money…)

What works?   Massive Tax Cuts, Smaller Government, More Economic Freedom, Rebuilding our manufacturing, mining, agricultural industries, oil and gas development helping us build a bridge to alternatives, construction, infrastructure, means of production, private enterprise driven by smart marketing where research determines demand, and drives articulated provision of products and services demanded in a free society.  All this unleashes the creative energy of people, provides for real economic growth, and the greatest good for the greatest number.

What are we getting instead?  Animal Farm.  Hyperbole?  Read on.

More control measures:

>The more government bails out, the more it controls.

>Google Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 to learn about new GUN CONTROL measures planned, featuring a central database of registered gun owners.

>White House to take Control of the Census.  Census data is used to define congressional districts.  Whoever controls the data and the process can control political outcomes.  Guess what the agenda is here? 

Get Detail Here

>Freedom of Choice Act which removes choice about reproductive rights, abortion and contraception from families and states and centralizes power in the federal government.    

President Obama is on the tube 24/7.  From special Democrat events to townhalls to press conferences to interviews, he is still on the campaign trail.  It is his quest to keep the majority firmly in his pocket for all the obvious reasons.  That majority is rapidly slipping away however.  Here are some of the reasons why:

>Obama’s serial blunders nominating Cabinet officials reveals his lack of executive experience.

>This is a Clinton government with Obama as the figure head and people see that very clearly.

>Most people are opposed to Obama’s move to fund abortions overseas.

>Most people are opposed to closing Gitmo and letting terrorists run free to kill Americans.

>Most people are nervous about an early withdrawl from Iraq and escalation in Afghanistan under the command of a neophite.

>Most people rightly perceive gun control as a precursor to tryanny.

>Most people agree with Thomas Jefferson that the government big enough to provide for most all your needs is also big enough to take everything you have.

>Most people understand this ‘stimulus’ is growing to $3T very soon, or more, and even if it provides nominal short-term relief (doubtful) we risk collapse anyway, hyper inflation and mayhem.

>And most people understand the locomotive is steaming down the track with little discussion, evaluation or opposition, so, the only outcomes will be 1) a measure of success while the economy rights itself anyway, or 2) catastrophe on a scale we’ve yet seen.

And it gets “better” folks. 

While Pelosi and Reid maneuver to freeze out all Republican legislators from participating fulling in the process, the President is eyeing a Supreme  Court nomination to replace Ginsberg, a nominee further Left than most anyone you can name, forecasting even more judicial activism.  And have we started talking about proposed cuts in defense, reductions planned in our nuclear arsensal, and other measures certain to make us more vulnerable to our enemies?  How about the “Fairness Doctrine” and the assaults on freedom of the press, or hate crimes legislation and the efforts to shutdown free speech.?

My hope is this Presidency will go down to crushing defeat within a  short time and be replaced by sober thinking conservatives who will return the country to the true spirit of Lincoln’s republicanism which has served us so well before.

If not, it’s so long America, nice knowing you.


No consensus on the stimulus, by D. Limbaugh


January 27, 2009

. . . if it wasn’t so tragic.

THESE BIRDS DON’T EVEN TRY TO HIDE THEIR CONTEMPT:  Contempt for certain racial groups, contempt for the middle class, contempt for state’s rights, contempt for professionals, contempt for white construction workers, contempt for economic freedom.

Citigroup has received $45 BILLION in taxpayer funding to stay in business.  That’s $45,000,000,000.00 dollars.  Guess how much Citigroup is worth?   What’s that?   Citigroup is worth $19 BILLION?   You mean our government spent $45 Billion of our dollars to save a private company worth only $19  Billion?  Return on investment?   So far, net loss of $26 Billion. 

Headline yesterday: Citi buys $50M luxury French jet

At our house, we have a Citimortgage at a high interest rate compared to current competitive rates.

Despite good income and a good credit rating, we can’t refinance and lower the rate because the rules have tightened, thanks to abuses by others, including the government. (Do I hear Fannie Mae?)

The value of our home has plummetted, thanks to the abuses of others, including people who don’t pay their bills, the government and run amok corporations.

So I rise to work today, knowing I’ll have to work harder and earn more money so we can pay our Citimortgage, so that Citigroup can squander money, so that the government can confiscate more of our income, to bailout Citigroup and others who have abused the system (do I hear Fannie Mae?), so that the government can rescue us via a $2 TRILLION stimulus package that will only worsen our situation.  The politicians promised mortgage relief but where is it?  Can’t find it!  Don’t want it, but where is it!  

(Oh. And taxes will of course increase. They must. How else will the government pay for enormous increases in government spending  planned by this new government, including paying for condoms to give to kids who don’t use them spiking teen pregnancy requiring state-funded abortions?  Don’t forget national healthcare and subsidies for green jobs putting Americans to work making solar panels nobody will buy.  Stimulus We Can Believe In!)

But here is the capper!

Fannie Mae officials said yesterday they must have $16 BILLION in taxpayer money to stay afloat. (I wonder how much of that will wind up in the Obama re-election fund?)

Only in America do we create and sustain an entire industry (government) to subsidize failure.

Congress gave Treasury $350 BILLION a couple months back. Remember that? The banks got the dough. We don’t know what they did with it, although we hear about $1 million dollar office renovations and huge bonuses for execs in the multi-million dollar range. This new government wants to duplicate that stunning record of accomplishment by releasing another $350 BILLION of taxpayer money to ‘stimulate’ the economy. And the President wants an additional $900 BILLION to ‘stimulate’ the economy.

Two problems with all this: historically, we have NEVER spent our way out of a recession, so this simply will not work. All it will accomplish is a devaluation of currency (ushering in hyperinflation), putting our grandchildren and great grandchildren in debt.

Forget student loans. Newborns are now saddled with debt thanks to the politicians in Washington.

The other huge problem with all this: the so-called bailout funds the President wants to flood the economy with?  That money won’t even be available for two to three years.

So much for the quick fix.

And they wonder why the only institution we have confidence in anymore is the military?

Anyone hear of the Cloward-Piven Strategy? Wouldn’t you be surprised to learn all this economic destruction and resulting centralization of power and wealth in Washington was planned and is being executed purposefully.


One word: CONTROL.   Hey, fellow little people! This is not about helping you. It is about getting you in line.

Americans: your liberty is on the block. You sold it for a bowl of soup, and an interest-only loan with a balloon.

We have no one to blame but ourselves. Spoiled children always pay the piper in the end.

Socialism took over years ago.  We were on the couch, watching football.

Econ Stimulus a Ruse to create One-Party Rule?

Be Very Afraid: the looming threat of hyperinflation

January 12, 2009

by Harris Sherline, CPA

The scene is being set for hyperinflation, with panic efforts to “stimulate” the economy and “save” financial institutions and industries that are considered too big or too important to fail. Obama’s plans to spend upwards of another trillion dollars on a second “stimulus package” and as much as an additional trillion dollars for new programs (as yet undefined) will soon cause inflation to begin anew. It’s difficult to predict exactly when hyperinflation is likely to occur, but unless we stop creating fiat money and borrowing as if there is no tomorrow, it’s sure to happen.

If and when the Chinese, the Japanese, and the oil rich Arabs decide that it’s no longer safe to hold their wealth in American dollars and start selling U.S. bonds, there will be a sudden drop in the value of our currency with a corresponding increase in inflation.

The American public seems to instinctively understand that what’s going on is wrong, but the economically ignorant, bone-headed politicians who are in charge simply don’t get it.