Veterans’ Day 2008

November 11, 2008

Vast Majority of Americans Honor U.S. Military


It’s the Soldier, not the reporter, who gives us freedom of the press.


It’s the Soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.


It’s the Soldier, not the campus or community organizer, who has given us freedom to demonstrate.


It’s the Soldier, not the lawyer, who insures the right to a fair trial.


It’s the Soldier, not the politician, who gives us liberty.


It’s the Soldier, not the government, who dies in defense of the defenseless.


It’s the Soldier who salutes the flag, who serves the flag, whose coffin is draped in the flag, allowing the protester to burn the flag.



According to the Declaration of Independence, it is our Creator , not the government, who endows us with unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all preserved and defended by the American soldier throughout our history.




In a time of war . . .

October 20, 2008

. . . should we consider what our volunteer troops think about the candidates?


                                    McCain           Obama


Overall                          68                    23


Army                             68                    23


Navy                             69                    24


Air Force                       67                    24


Marines                         75                    18


Retirees                        72                    20


White                            76                    17


Hispanic                        63                    27


African-American         12                    79


Enlisted                        67                    24


Officers                        70                    22




H A R D    F O R    M I L I T A R Y    T O    V O T E ?

Dear Mr. Obama: from a Military Wife, Kid Rock, a Soldier

October 12, 2008


Marine Corps Wife

Report from the Front

Soldier  “Iraq no mistake”

Warrior  –  Kid Rock – music video

War, Nation Divided: Vets blame BHO/Biden

October 10, 2008

“This report strips away rhetoric and looks at the one commitment members of Congress must perform; voting” said Vets for Freedom Chairman Pete Hegseth. “The report shows a remarkably low grade by some of the most high profile members of the Senate, such as Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden because of their poor votes on Global War on Terror funding, troop morale and other fundamental issues.”

Dedicated Leader or Daddy Daycare?

October 10, 2008

On election day we choose between a distinctly inexperienced, unqualified and questionable individual presenting ever-changing policies, versus a tested statesman, military expert, proven leader and respected foreign policy expert.




Will we choose the Proven Horse or the Prancing Pony?

By Allan Erickson




Growing numbers of Americans are increasingly angry and frustrated about Sen. Barack Obama, his candidacy for President, and the lack of integrity in media when it comes to objective coverage, or lack thereof.  Any and everything can be thrown at McCain/Palin with alacrity and glee.  Raise your voice simply to ask a question about Obama and you are a racist, a sexist, a homophobe etc.


Americans see a good and decent woman of accomplishment in Sarah Palin, a woman savaged for weeks by the press and Hollywood, an individual raked over the coals for no reason other than she is a conservative Christian who opposes abortion.  What crimes the devious commit seeking high office!  In America it is a high crime to have an opinion contrary to the altogether enlightened, cosmopolitan and politically correct Left.    


Observing Palin’s treatment causes one to wonder if our country has become little more than a circus, preoccupied with a kind of professional wrestling approach to politics.   Everything has become a smack down. Apparently it is fine to be a bigot, and display hateful prejudice against all things Christian, all things Republican, all things conservative.  Bigots are as bigots do.  It becomes obvious the Left is more concerned about promoting political ideology and less interested in avoiding racial tension, class warfare, internal collapse.


When someone objectively documents and expresses reasonable criticisms of Sen. Obama, the Left immediately boils tar and plucks feathers, all the while screaming the most vile invective.  Evidence is abundant.  Watch the evening news, the talk shows, or visit a conservative website and read the comments.  However, let one nut case yell out a stupid remark at a McCain rally and it makes the headlines at Huffington and on the front pages and on the 5:00 news, reported as proof positive Republicans are hate-filled warmongers unconcerned about the poor, racist imperialists through and through!


Those promoting Leftist ideology, in the main Democrats as radicalized as Obama, essentially call for the overthrow of all things traditionally American. 


They call for socialism versus capitalism, endorse gay marriage and denigrate heterosexual monogamy, characterize baby killing as a right and a privacy issue, codify government as god to engineer society, steal from the Haves to subsidize and subjugate the HaveNots, embrace foreign enemies, break laws, disrupt domestic tranquility, turn race against race, encourage illegal immigration, ridicule Judeo-Christian values, promote atheism, exalt human wisdom above humble faith, canonize terrorists and insult patriots.


Just the kind of folks you want over for Sunday dinner?  Just the kind of folks you want running the country?


In 25 days we select a President.


Will we use our heads, or allow emotionalism to drive us to the polls?


Most of the people supporting Obama express warm fuzzes:  he makes people feel good, he makes them ‘hopeful,’ he represents change, he’ll make the Europeans feel good about us, he makes youth feel good about the future, he excites, he inspires, he understands, he cares.


Dear fellow citizens, we are not voting for an American Idol.  


We are selecting an individual to lead the free world in the face of global economic chaos, global Islamic terrorism, global natural disasters, and the rise of rogue states hell bent on obtaining and using nuclear weapons.


This is not a choice between the Fonz and the Frat Boy. 


This is a choice between a distinctly inexperienced, unqualified and questionable individual presenting an ever-changing platform versus a tested statesman, military expert, proven leader and respected foreign policy expert.


Feeling good is short-lived, offering lousy return on investment.  The limp-wristed will not inherit the earth.  They offer a weak hand to the tiller of state.


Tough mindedness is required today.  An intelligent choice demands emotionalism take a back seat.


We need a servant steeled by suffering, not a politician promoted by propaganda.


We need a decisive, dedicated leader, not daddy daycare. 


We need a proven horse, not a prancing pony.   


Finally, if the majority of people are not concerned about the glaring warning lights shining on Sen. Obama, as follows, then reason will not rule election day:




Bill Clinton does not think Obama is qualified.  Hillary Clinton does not think Obama is qualified.  Joe Biden said during the primaries the Presidency does not lend itself to on-the-job training, saying Obama is not qualifited. Obama has no executive experience (other than four years CEO of Ayers’ CAC), no direct foreign policy experience, little federal legislative experience, no military experience, and get this, he would not pass the background check to be a Secret Service agent because of his association with Ayers, a terrorist.


Why do all these Democrats endorse McCain?




Campaign finance: reporting disparities, illegal foreign money





Fannie Mae: Dems, sub-prime mortgages, Obama contributions, financial crisis




Voter fraud: direct ties to ACORN




Radical associations, a legacy of anti-Americanism: Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn, Kalidi, Al-Mosour, Meeks, Pfleger, Rezko, Soros, MoveOn, ACORN, Public Allies, Woods Foundation, Annenberg Challenge, Nation of Islam, American Communist Party.  Sen. Obama, you can denounce these associations today, but for years you were in bed with them, helping them, and they were working for you, and continue to this day, and Americans have every right to question your loyalties.




Class warfare: the race card/guns & religion – “From the abundance of the hear the mouth speaks.”








Iraq:  ten million hits




Defense Cuts:




Free speech intimidation: Police state tactics




Troubling Endorsements:




Shifting positions

For 19 months Obama promoted increases in virtually every tax, calling for drastically increased federal spending, but now he promotes tax cuts and spending cuts across the board.   Mr. Obama:  Who are you?




Conservative Blacks Speak Out:




Obama: lifelong smoker, mother died of cancer, father reportedly alcoholic

Biden: two life-threatening brain surgeries



No matter how you slice this thing McCain comes out the far superior applicant for the most important job on earth: President of these United States, leader of the free world.

Why is Sen. Obama against the U.S. Military?

September 29, 2008


. . . and he wants to be Commander in Chief?

“I’m the only major candidate for President who opposed this war from the beginning, and as President, I will end it,”  Sen. Barack Obama.


Sounds like unconditional surrender.


This severely wounded soldier promises Obama that Iraq was not a mistake (9,814,342 hits and counting):


Americans in uniform have always served the purposes of goodness, despite what Jeremiah Wright says.  Our men and women in uniform have routinely stood against the thug, the tyrant, the terrorist.  American military personnel have always served to protect us and defend and protect innocent men, women and children.


Why then does Sen. Obama stand opposed to our men and women in uniform?  Why does he routinely vote contrary to their ability to successfully carry out the mission they volunteered to perform?


In May 2007, Obama voted to cut off funding for our troops in Iraq, four days before all funding was slated to run out.  The vote in the Senate carried the $120B funding package 80-14.  Obama was one of ten Democrats who voted against funding our troops overseas.*


Obama’s running mate, Sen. Joe Biden, voted for the military spending bill. 


(Troubling how Biden and Obama disagree frequently on matters of national security: Biden was for the invasion of Iraq, but Obama was opposed, Biden was against the Gulf War, but Obama has said we had to invade Kuwait to confront Saddam and George H.W. Bush did an excellent job. Biden says he was against the Surge, but it has worked brilliantly, and Obama is also against the Surge, first saying it would fail, and did fail, then saying the Surge delivered miraculous results.  It would instill a bit more confidence if these two could come up with a mutually agreed upon, consistent policy.)


Why did Sen. Obama vote against funding our troops in theatre? 


Obama wanted to set dates for U.S. troop pullout from Iraq, a position rejected by Congress, the President, and the Iraqi authorities, rejected because it would signal our enemies they only had to wait us out before mounting new offensives against democracy-loving Iraqis.   


Explaining his vote, Obama said: “We must negotiate a better plan that funds our troops, signals to the Iraqis that it is time for them to act and that begins to bring our brave servicemen and women home safely and responsibly.”


Flowery words that in fact undercut our volunteer force and contradicted the will of the Iraqis and our own formal foreign policy objectives as supported by 80 Senators voting to support the troops that day. 


However, Sen. Obama’s anti-military attitudes run even deeper.   He promises as president to take our nuclear defense system “off hair-trigger alert,” and he promises deep cuts in defense at a time when we are more vulnerable than ever in our history.


He says he will cut tens of billions of dollars in defense spending, spending he says is wasteful because he wants to divert that money to government-run healthcare and social programs. 


He says he will cut “unproven” missle defense programs, signaling to our enemies they should be encouraged to develop missles capable of hitting us.  “I will not weaponize space.”  (Yet aren’t the Chinese already doing so?) 


“I will slow our development of future combat weapons systems.”  (Ah, the old ‘peace through weakness’ approach.) 


He proposes a civilian review board to dictate military spending and override military expertise in budgetary considerations.


Obama promises: “A world without nuclear weapons.”  (Interesting reasoning, like his gun control policy, if you outlaw nukes, only outlaws will have nukes.)  “I will not develop new nuclear weapons.”  (Or power plants either so we continue to be at the mercy of Arab adversaries who will develop new nuclear weapons, again the old peace through weakness Jimmy Carter approach to total defeat and humiliation.)


Sen. Obama’s voting record in the Senate:*


[PS:  Obama says he will cut taxes?  He voted against extending President Bush’s tax cuts.  The record speaks for itself. Obama says one thing, and does another.]


Finally, Barack and Michelle Obama created Public Allies in 1992, and she became executive director the next year.  Half the funding of Public Allies comes from tax payers.  Even Fannie Mae has contributed! (see below)


Public Allies pays young people $1,800 a month, plus benefits, to become activists to change society because America is racist, homophobic, paternalistic, sexist, white supremacist and overtly militaristic.


Oh, and capitalism, “the money culture,” is bad, so youth are encouraged to embrace non-profit groups, activism and community organizing, working toward the goal of world peace and a socialist utopia.


Yup.  Your tax dollars used to turn American youth against America, akin to the tax dollars used by the ACLU to destroy the Boy Scouts simply because the Boy Scouts don’t allow gays in leadership roles.


Concerning Public Allies, Obama says, “We have got to have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the military.”


This is the new America the Democrats and Obama will create: an America where all things traditional and morally sound are denigrated, attacked and destroyed. Freedom itself is in peril. 


We are seriously thinking of making this man President?


One source among many:


And another:


Soros one of Obama’s big money men:




PS:   Some sources of income—PUBLIC ALLIES



Government Sources 




Corporation for National and Community Service (AmeriCorps)  Half of the budget, AmeriCorps is Clinton’s version of the Peace Corp.


City of Cincinnati,   Dept. of Neighborhood Services

City of San Jose

City of San Jose BEST

City of Wilmington CDBG

Delaware Dept. of Health & Social Services

Delaware Dept. of Labor

State of California

US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development



Atlantic Philanthropies  
Helen Bader Foundation
Cisco Systems   
Fannie Mae Foundation  (This pipeline was constructed by Obama working as an attorney for ACORN and fighting to support Fannie Mae in the Senate, even though Fannie Mae was corrupt & running us into the ground.)
Ford Foundation
William C. Graustein
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The John D. & Catherine T.  MacArthur Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Omidyar Foundation
Procter & Gamble Corporation
Rockefeller Brothers
Surdna Foundation
Woodcock Foundation